Course Outcomes | |
Semester: 3 | |
Electronic Devices (PCC-ECE-201G) | |
PCC-ECE-201G.1 | Recall the basic concepts of semiconductor devices . |
PCC-ECE-201G.2 | Understand various applications of electronic devices like diode, transistor, FET etc. |
PCC-ECE-201G.3 | Apply different types of biasing circuits and models on electronic devices like diode, transistor, FET etc. |
PCC-ECE-201G.4 | Analyze the working operation, characteristics and structure of various electronic devices. |
Electronic Devices Lab (LC-ECE-203G) | |
LC-ECE-203G.1 | Identify various electronic devices like diodes, transistors, FET and SCR. |
LC-ECE-203G.2 | Understand the characteristics of various types of electronic devices. |
LC-ECE-203G.3 | Demonstrate various applications of electronic devices like diodes, BJT and FET. |
LC-ECE-203G.4 | Analyze the input/output behaviour of electronic devices to variable inputs and also verify their operations. |
Data Structures (PCC-CSE-221G) | |
PCC-CSE-221G.1 | Define basic concepts of data structure & algorithm. |
PCC-CSE-221G.2 | Understand various aspects of stack, queue, list & graph. |
PCC-CSE-221G.3 | Apply different searching & sorting techniques to solve the problem of data structure. |
PCC-CSE-221G.4 | Analyze the complexity of various sorting algorithms. |
Signals and Systems (PCC-ECE-209G) | |
PCC-ECE-209G.1 | Define various types of signals and systems based on the continuous and discrete type signals. |
PCC-ECE-209G.2 | Understand the spectral characteristics of continuous-time periodic and aperiodic, LTI system and convolution. |
PCC-ECE-209G.3 | Apply the Fourier, Laplace and Z- transform for solving continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. |
PCC-ECE-209G.4 | Analyze state equation for continuous and discrete type systems. |
Network Theory (PCC-ECE-211G) | |
PCC-ECE-211G.1 | Define the fundamental concepts of various Networks & Theorems. |
PCC-ECE-211G.2 | Understand the transient behavior of networks & filters. |
PCC-ECE-211G.3 | Apply fourier series, fourier transform & laplace transform to solve various signals & networks. |
PCC-ECE-211G.4 | Analyze various two port network parameters, RLC networks and network topology. |
Network Theory Lab (LC-ECE-212G) | |
LC-ECE-212G.1 | Define the basic concepts of network theory and simulation software. |
LC-ECE-212G.2 | Understand the Transient Response of RL, RC, and RLC Circuits. |
LC-ECE-212G.3 | Calculate various parameters of two port network and determine half power frequency of filters. |
LC-ECE-212G.4 | Analyze and synthesize the network functions for various networks. |
PCB & Electronic Workshop Lab (LC-ECE-213G) | |
LC-ECE-213G.1 | Identify the process of designing PCB and outputs of different circuits using software simulation. |
LC-ECE-213G.2 | Understand different methodology for layout PCB and report. |
LC-ECE-213G.3 | Use the etching, UV exposure and drilling of PCB. |
LC-ECE-213G.4 | Test and design various electronic circuits. |
Economics For Engineers (HSMC-01G) | |
HSMC-01G.1 | Define various concepts of micro economics related to the production units. |
HSMC-01G.2 | Understand various aspects of economics which can affect the engineering profession in terms of demand and decision making related to it. |
HSMC-01G.3 | Choose best engineering practice by cost consideration and profit estimation. |
HSMC-01G.4 | Examine the economic environment and effects of government policies on the Indian economy which can be related to engineering services. |
Environmental Science (MC-106G) | |
MC-106G.1 | Recall basic environmental social issues, scope, importance and various protection acts. |
MC-106G.2 | Understand the renewable and non-renewable resources. |
MC-106G.3 | Apply the biodiversity for its conservation. |
MC-106G.4 | Differentiate various ecosystems. |
Semester: 4 | |
Analog Circuits (PCC-ECE-206G) | |
PCC-ECE-206G.1 | Define the basic concepts and characteristics of various semiconductor devices. |
PCC-ECE-206G.2 | Understand different types of oscillators, regulators and feedback topologies. |
PCC-ECE-206G.3 | Demonstrate the linear and non-linear applications of op-amp. |
PCC-ECE-206G.4 | Analyze various rectifiers, amplifiers, configurations and small signal models of analog circuits on different parameters. |
Analog Circuits Lab (LC-ECE-208G) | |
LC-ECE-208G.1 | Show the characteristics of various configurations of transistors. |
LC-ECE-208G.2 | Explain voltage regulator, push-pull amplifier , SMPS power supply and various types of oscillators in terms of their oscillation frequency. |
LC-ECE-208G.3 | Demonstrate the applications of IC 555 timer and calculate the gain of amplifiers. |
LC-ECE-208G.4 | Analyze the operation of oscillators and frequency response of amplifiers. |
Communication System (PCC-ECE-202G) | |
PCC-ECE-202G.1 | Define various fundamental aspects of the communication systems. |
PCC-ECE-202G.2 | Understand various modulation & demodulation techniques used in communication systems. |
PCC-ECE-202G.3 | Interpret various radio transmitter & receiver circuits and different types of noise in communication systems. |
PCC-ECE-202G.4 | Analyze various parameters such as modulation index, channel capacity, transmission efficiency, S/N ratio etc. used in communication systems. |
Communication System Lab (LC-ECE-204G) | |
LC-ECE-204G.1 | Define the fundamentals and functions of various communication systems. |
LC-ECE-204G.2 | Understand the working operation of analog & digital modulation techniques used in communication systems. |
LC-ECE-204G.3 | Apply various methods used in communication systems for generation & reception of modulated & demodulated signals. |
LC-ECE-204G.4 | Analyze the waveforms of various modulation & demodulation techniques. |
Digital Electronics (PCC-ECE-205G) | |
PCC-ECE-205G.1 | Recall basic concepts of logic gates, Boolean algebra, and number systems. |
PCC-ECE-205G.2 | Understand the various digital codes and characteristics of memory. |
PCC-ECE-205G.3 | Applying the various methods to solve the logical expression like K-map, Quine Mcluskey method, etc. |
PCC-ECE-205G.4 | Classify various combinational, sequential logic circuits & Convertors. |
Digital Electronics Lab (LC-ECE-207G) | |
LC-ECE-207G.1 | Define all Logic Gates with Truth-Table, ADC and DAC. |
LC-ECE-207G.2 | Understand the various Combinational and Sequential Circuits. |
LC-ECE-207G.3 | Apply the K-MAP method to solve the Boolean Expression. |
LC-ECE-207G.4 | Analyze the operation and working of Flip-Flops, Registers & Counters by their Truth-Table. |
Microcontrollers (PCC-ECE-210G) | |
PCC-ECE-210G.1 | Recall architecture and signal description of various Microprocessors. |
PCC-ECE-210G.2 | Understand concepts of virtual memory, cache memory and Instruction set of various microprocessors. |
PCC-ECE-210G.3 | Demonstrate the enhanced features of various microprocessors and mobile processors. |
PCC-ECE-210G.4 | Analyze various designing parameters of microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
Microcontrollers Lab (LC-ECE-214G) | |
LC-ECE-214G.1 | Define fundamental architectural and programming concepts of 8086. |
LC-ECE-214G.2 | Understand the instruction set and process used for 8086 programming. |
LC-ECE-214G.3 | Apply the interfacing and implementation of various peripheral chips using 8086 microprocessor. |
LC-ECE-214G.4 | Analyze and compare the logic used in programs output carried out by 8086 microprocessor theoretically and practically. |
Organizational Behaviour (HSMC-02G) | |
HSMC-02G.1 | Define the management process with the scope and importance of management. |
HSMC-02G.2 | Understand all aspects of Organizational Behavior contended to various communication channels. |
HSMC-02G.3 | Demonstrate the phenomenon of learning, leadership and motivation. |
HSMC-02G.4 | Analyze the framework of all organizational structures and management conflicts intending to the various organizational changes. |
Mathematics-III (Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Methods) (BSC-MATH-202G) | |
BSC-MATH-202G.1 | Recall the various types of linear algebra, differential calculus and integral calculus. |
BSC-MATH-202G.2 | Describe basic concepts of partial differential equations and numerical methods. |
BSC-MATH-202G.3 | Apply the various methods of partial differential equation and numerical methods. |
BSC-MATH-202G.4 | Determine practical understanding of partial differential equations and numerical methods. |
Semester: 5 | |
Electromagnetic Waves (PCC-ECE-301G) | |
PCC-ECE-301G.1 | Identify the basic laws of electromagnetic propagation. |
PCC-ECE-301G.2 | Understand radiation, characteristics and wave propagation on high frequency transmission lines. |
PCC-ECE-301G.3 | Apply Maxwell equation to solve problems in transmission lines and uniform plane wave propagation. |
PCC-ECE-301G.4 | Analyze the nature of electromagnetic wave propagation in guided medium used in microwave applications. |
Computer Organization & Architecture (PCC-ECE-303G) | |
PCC-ECE-303G.1 | Define the basic structure of computers, operations and instructions. |
PCC-ECE-303G.2 | Understand non pipelined CPU architecture, memory hierarchy and input/output techniques. |
PCC-ECE-303G.3 | Demonstrate the enhancing performance of CPU architecture and expansion memory organization. |
PCC-ECE-303G.4 | Illustrate parallelism and computer organization. |
Communication Engineering (PCC-ECE-305G) | |
PCC-ECE-305G.1 | Define the basic concepts of probability, random variable, and correlation function. |
PCC-ECE-305G.2 | Understand the cumulative distribution function, probability density function, Power spectral density and Central limit theorem for random signal. |
PCC-ECE-305G.3 | Apply the various coding techniques to determine the channel efficiency. |
PCC-ECE-305G.4 | Analyze the spectral characteristics by Fourier analysis, filters and block codes. |
Digital Signal Processing (PCC-ECE-307G) | |
PCC-ECE-307G.1 | Define the various discrete time signals and systems with their representations. |
PCC-ECE-307G.2 | Understand the process for sampling of time signals, sampling rate conversion and multirate digital signal processing (MDSP). |
PCC-ECE-307G.3 | Solve the discrete time systems using DTFT, DFT, FFT and ZT. |
PCC-ECE-307G.4 | Analyze the various design techniques/ methods for digital finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. |
Power Electronics (PEC-ECE-309G) | |
PEC-ECE-309G.1 | Define the basic concepts of power electronics components. |
PEC-ECE-309G.2 | Understand the working operation and characteristics of different power electronics devices such as rectifiers, choppers, inverters, converters. |
PEC-ECE-309G.3 | Demonstrate the applications of various power electronics devices. |
PEC-ECE-309G.4 | Analyze the parameters of waveforms generated by various power electronics devices. |
Measurements and Instrumentation (OEC-ECE-321G) | |
OEC-ECE-321G.1 | Define fundamental concepts of various measurement systems. |
OEC-ECE-321G.2 | Understand the operation of oscilloscopes, signal conditioning system, recorders & printers etc. |
OEC-ECE-321G.3 | Apply various digital instruments/transducers & bridges for measuring different quantities. |
OEC-ECE-321G.4 | Analyze the operation of transducers and signal analyzers. |
Electromagnetic Waves Lab (LC-ECE-323G) | |
LC-ECE-323G.1 | Identify various components of the microwave test bench. |
LC-ECE-323G.2 | Understand the working operation of attenuator, isolator and circulator. |
LC-ECE-323G.3 | Apply various techniques for antenna radiation and find its radiation parameters. |
LC-ECE-323G.4 | Analyze waveguide general approach and model propagation in rectangular waveguide. |
Digital Signal Processing Lab (LC-ECE325G) | |
LC-ECE325G.1 | Identify the basic signals (Unit Step, unit impulse, Ramp, Exponential, Sine and Cosine). |
LC-ECE325G.2 | Understand the operation of convolution, Correlation, DFT and Z transform. |
LC-ECE325G.3 | Apply the window techniques for designing FIR filters. |
LC-ECE325G.4 | Analyze frequency response characteristics of digital IIR and FIR filter. |
Practical Training – 1 (PT-ECE-327G) | |
PT-ECE-327G.1 | Identify various technologies and fields for practical training to enhance employability skills. |
PT-ECE-327G.2 | Understand the ability to adapt with the latest changes in the technological world. |
PT-ECE-327G.3 | Applying engineering knowledge and ethical practices to solve industrial problems and demonstrate presentation skills. |
PT-ECE-327G.4 | Analyze the ability of learning skills to be job ready with real corporate exposure. |
Linear IC Applications (PCC-ECE-313G) | |
PCC-ECE-313G.1 | Define basic concepts of PLL, Timers, Voltage Regulators and operational amplifier. |
PCC-ECE-313G.2 | Understand various feedback topologies and frequency response of operational amplifier. |
PCC-ECE-313G.3 | Demonstrate the linear and non linear applications of operational amplifier. |
PCC-ECE-313G.4 | Analyze the operations of different operational amplifier. |
Semester: 6 | |
Control Systems (PCC-ECE-302G) | |
PCC-ECE-302G.1 | Define the feedback and non-feedback control architecture and discuss the importance of performance, robustness and stability in control design. |
PCC-ECE-302G.2 | Understand the analysis techniques like block diagram reduction, Root locus, Routh stability criteria, Bode and Nyquist plots. |
PCC-ECE-302G.3 | Determine the performance characteristics of first and second-order systems using standard test signals. |
PCC-ECE-302G.4 | Analyze the system response and stability in both time-domain and frequency domain. |
Computer Network (PCC-ECE-304G) | |
PCC-ECE-304G.1 | Define basic concepts, types, systems & applications of computer networks. |
PCC-ECE-304G.2 | Understand the important aspects & functions of different layers in internetworking. |
PCC-ECE-304G.3 | Demonstrate appropriate routing algorithm for optimization of computer networks. |
PCC-ECE-304G.4 | Analyze the performance of different protocols of computer networks. |
Engineering Ethics (HUM-ECE-306G) | |
HUM-ECE-306G.1 | Define environmental and engineering ethics in society. |
HUM-ECE-306G.2 | Understand the importance of engineering ethics in their personal lives and professional careers. |
HUM-ECE-306G.3 | Apply professional rights and responsibilities for the benefit of society. |
HUM-ECE-306G.4 | Analyze various risk factors associated with professionalism and engineering ethics in industrial growth and global Justice. |
CMOS Design (PCC-ECE-308G) | |
PCC-ECE-308G.1 | Define fundamental concept of MOS transistors. |
PCC-ECE-308G.2 | Understand the working of digital systems, arithmetic building blocks, memory and array structures. |
PCC-ECE-308G.3 | Apply principles of minimization techniques to simplify digital functions. |
PCC-ECE-308G.4 | Analyze the combinational and sequential circuit based on CMOS logic. |
VHDL and Digital Design (PEC-ECE-312G) | |
PEC-ECE-312G.1 | Define the basic concepts of various digital systems’ and VHDL. |
PEC-ECE-312G.2 | Understand the needs, applications of hardware description language and programmable devices. |
PEC-ECE-312G.3 | Apply modelling & simulations of various basic & advanced digital systems using VHDL. |
PEC-ECE-312G.4 | Analyze different PLD’s techniques at circuit level for improving power and speed of combinational and sequential circuits. |
Python Programming (OEC-ECE-318G) | |
OEC-ECE-318G.1 | Define the fundamentals of Python programming. |
OEC-ECE-318G.2 | Explain string manipulation and text files of Python programming. |
OEC-ECE-318G.3 | Apply various Lists, Dictionaries and Functions used in Python language. |
OEC-ECE-318G.4 | Analyze Object-Oriented aspects in Python programming such as inheritance, polymorphism etc. |
Computer Network Lab (LC-ECE-322G) | |
LC-ECE-322G.1 | Define various technological trends of computer networking. |
LC-ECE-322G.2 | Understand the basic aspects of application layer protocol design including client/server models, peer to peer models and network naming. |
LC-ECE-322G.3 | Apply various routing protocols/algorithms and internetworking used in computer networks. |
LC-ECE-322G.4 | Analyze network application such as data transmission between client and server, file transfer, real-time multimedia transmission |
Control System Lab (LC-ECE-324G) | |
LC-ECE-324G.1 | Define the control components like AC/DC servo motor, stepper motor & lead lag compensators, PID Controller. |
LC-ECE-324G.2 | Understand the behaviour of various types and order of control system. |
LC-ECE-324G.3 | Apply the MATLAB software to plot the frequency response of the various given functions. |
LC-ECE-324G.4 | Analyze the motion & water level control of a conveyor belt using an industrial PLC. |
Mini Project/Electronic Design Workshop (LC-ECE-326G) | |
LC-ECE-326G.1 | Identify various technologies and fields for projects. |
LC-ECE-326G.2 | Understand the process to make reports and presentation. |
LC-ECE-326G.3 | Applying engineering knowledge to solve industrial problems. |
LC-ECE-326G.4 | Analyze ethical practices and tools used in different technologies for projects. |
LC-ECE-326G.5 | Evaluate the performance on parameters such as communication skills, technical knowledge. |
LC-ECE-326G.6 | Design and develop the skills to make software/hardware related to industrial projects. |
Semester: 7 | |
Mobile Communication and Networks (PEC-ECE-410-G) | |
PEC-ECE-410-G.1 | Define wireless standard, networking, GSM architecture and mobile radio propagation. |
PEC-ECE-410-G.2 | Understand various aspects of frequency reuse, Handoffs, cell splitting and channel assignment. |
PEC-ECE-410-G.3 | Demonstrate various models, multiple access and modulation techniques used in communication systems. |
PEC-ECE-410-G.4 | Analyze various fading effects and parameters of mobile multipath channels like time dispersion, coherence bandwidth and Doppler spread etc. |
Fiber Optic Communication (PCC-ECE-401-G) | |
PCC-ECE-401-G.1 | Define the fundamental concepts of optical communication system |
PCC-ECE-401-G.2 | Understand working of various modes such as mono/multi-mode and characteristics like scattering, dispersion, bending etc. of optical communication system. |
PCC-ECE-401-G.3 | Demonstrate the principle of optical transmission and detection using light sources and photodiodes. |
PCC-ECE-401-G.4 | Analyze behaviour and various parameters of optical fibers such as attenuation, absorption, noise, bandwidth etc. |
Antenna and Wave (PCC-ECE-402-G) | |
PCC-ECE-402-G.1 | Define the physical concepts of antenna theory. |
PCC-ECE-402-G.2 | Understand various parameters of the antenna like gain, directivity, radiation resistance and beam – width. |
PCC-ECE-402-G.3 | Demonstrate various types of antenna used in wave propagation. |
PCC-ECE-402-G.4 | Analyze uniformly spaced arrays with uniform and non uniform excitation amplitude. |
Data Communication Networking and Security (PEC-ECE-411-G) | |
PEC-ECE-411-G.1 | Define the fundamental concepts of analog and digital transmission of data communication networks. |
PEC-ECE-411-G.2 | Understand various network configurations and topologies of data communication networks. |
PEC-ECE-411-G.3 | Apply various detection and correction techniques used in data communication networks. |
PEC-ECE-411-G.4 | Analyze various communication architectures and their protocols in data communication networks. |
Radar and Sonar (PEC-ECE-414-G) | |
PEC-ECE-414-G.1 | Define fundamental concepts and applications of RADAR and SONAR system. |
PEC-ECE-414-G.2 | Understand the operation of various types of Radar systems like: CW, FMCW, MTI and Pulse Doppler RADAR. |
PEC-ECE-414-G.3 | Examine receivers, displays and duplexers used in RADAR system. |
PEC-ECE-414-G.4 | Analyze acquisition and tracking range and different system losses applicable to RADAR system. |
Constitution of India (MC-417-G) | |
MC-417-G.1 | Recall the basic structure of constitution of India. |
MC-417-G.2 | Discuss the federal system & distribution of various powers between union and the states. |
MC-417-G.3 | Understand various organs of governance. |
MC-417-G.4 | Classify various fundamental rights & duties given by constitution of India. |
Data Communication Networking Lab (LC-ECE-405-G) | |
LC-ECE-405-G.1 | Define fundamental concepts of different types of transmission media. |
LC-ECE-405-G.2 | Understand various digital modulation techniques. |
LC-ECE-405-G.3 | Demonstrate LAN using different topologies like bus, ring, star & tree. |
LC-ECE-405-G.4 | Analyze the operation for configuration of modem and hub. |
Project Stage-I (PROJ-ECE-407-G) | |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.1 | Identify various technologies and fields for making project. |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.2 | Understand the process to make reports and presentations. |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.3 | Apply engineering knowledge to solve various industrial problems. |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.4 | Analyze ethical practices and tools used for different technologies. |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.5 | Evaluate the performance on parameters like communication skills and technical knowledge etc. |
PROJ-ECE-407-G.6 | Design and develop the skills to make software/hardware, related to project for serving the society. |
Semester: 8 | |
Embedded System (PEC-ECE-415-G) | |
PEC-ECE-415-G.1 | Define the basic concepts, types and applications of microcontroller and embedded system. |
PEC-ECE-415-G.2 | Understand the memory, features and addressing modes of different microcontrollers. |
PEC-ECE-415-G.3 | Demonstrate interfacing between microcontroller and I/O chips. |
PEC-ECE-415-G.4 | Analyze and compare architecture, pin diagram and working operations of different microcontrollers. |
Satellite Communication (PCC-ECE-403-G) | |
PCC-ECE-403-G.1 | Define basic concepts, band spectrum, types & applications of analog /digital satellite communication system. |
PCC-ECE-403-G.2 | Derive the link design equations for satellite communication system. |
PCC-ECE-403-G.3 | Demonstrate various multiple access techniques used in satellite communication systems and calculate C/N & S/N ratio. |
PCC-ECE-403-G.4 | Analyzing different environmental effects, orbital and earth station parameters used in satellite communication system. |
Microwave Theory and Technique (PCC-ECE-404-G) | |
PCC-ECE-404-G.1 | Define basic concepts of microwave components with their characteristics./td> |
PCC-ECE-404-G.2 | Understand the working operation of waveguides, microwave tubes, active and passive microwave devices. |
PCC-ECE-404-G.3 | Determine microwave power using calorimeter and bolometer devices. |
PCC-ECE-404-G.4 | Analyze the effects of microwave in different medical and civil applications. |
Wireless and Satellite Communication Lab (LC-ECE-406-G) | |
LC-ECE-406-G.1 | Describe the basic components of satellite communication system. |
LC-ECE-406-G.2 | Understand transmission of audio & video signal, telemetry data, GPS data and modulation techniques. |
LC-ECE-406-G.3 | Demonstrate radiation pattern and calculate beam width for different antennas. |
LC-ECE-406-G.4 | Analyze the propagation delay of signals in satellite communication links. |
Disaster Management (OEC-CE-417-G) | |
OEC-CE-417-G.1 | Define the fundamental aspects of natural and man-made disasters with their impact. |
OEC-CE-417-G.2 | Understand the role and responsibilities of various disaster management agencies. |
OEC-CE-417-G.3 | Apply the methods of disaster risk reduction for suitable measures like flood, cyclone, drought and earthquake etc. |
OEC-CE-417-G.4 | Illustrate and processing the spatial data for better disaster risk management of natural disaster. |
Project Work-II/ Dissertation (PROJ-ECE-408-G) | |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.1 | Identify various technologies and fields for making project. |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.2 | Understand the process to make reports and presentations. |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.3 | Apply engineering knowledge to solve various industrial problems. |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.4 | Analyze ethical practices and tools used for different technologies. |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.5 | Evaluate the performance on parameters like communication skills and technical knowledge etc. |
PROJ-ECE-408-G.6 | Design and develop the skills to make software/hardware, related to project for serving the society. |
Course Outcomes | |
Semester: 1 | |
Advance Microprocessor & Micrcontroller (16ECE21C1) | |
16ECE21C1.1 | Recall the basic concepts of microprocessors, microcontrollers and different peripheral chips. |
16ECE21C1.2 | Understand the features, commands and architecture design of different microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
16ECE21C1.3 | Applying interfacing between microprocessors/microcontrollers and peripheral chips. |
16ECE21C1.4 | Differentiate architecture, pin configuration and working operations of different microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
Satellite and Space Communication (16ECE21C2) | |
16ECE21C2.1 | Recall fundamental concepts, band spectrum & applications of satellite communication system. |
16ECE21C2.2 | Understand the various orbital, earth station parameters and sub systems used in satellite communication system. |
16ECE21C2.3 | Applying various detection and multiple access techniques used in satellite communication system. |
16ECE21C2.4 | Analyze various environmental effects such as atmospheric absorption, ionospheric scintillation, attenuation & fading used in satellite communication system. |
Information and Communication Theory (16ECE21C3) | |
16ECE21C3.1 | Define the fundamental concept of information, entropy, mutual and joint information for efficient encoding schemes used in communication system. |
16ECE21C3.2 | Understand the principle of various channel encoding/decoding schemes used in communication system. |
16ECE21C3.3 | Apply various error detection and correction techniques used in communication system like linear block code, cyclic code & hamming code etc. |
16ECE21C3.4 | Analyze the various parameters and coding schemes to maximize the efficiency rate of communication system. |
Advanced Digital Signal Processing (16ECE21C4) | |
16ECE21C4.1 | Define the concepts of discrete time signals and systems with classifications, characteristics and applications. |
16ECE21C4.2 | Understand various forms to realize IIR and FIR system. |
16ECE21C4.3 | Demonstrate the frequency domain of signals by applying various transforming techniques like DTFT, DFT, FFT and ZT. |
16ECE21C4.4 | Analyze various techniques of digital finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. |
Data Communication Networks (16ECE21C5) | |
16ECE21C5.1 | Define the fundamental concepts of analog and digital transmission of data communication network. |
16ECE21C5.2 | Understand various switching techniques and topologies of data communication network. |
16ECE21C5.3 | Apply various detection and correction techniques used in data communication network. |
16ECE21C5.4 | Analyze various communication architectures and their protocols in data communication network. |
Seminar (16ECE21C6) | |
16ECE21C6.1 | Identify and study research article literature to review and summarize the content for discussion. |
16ECE21C6.2 | Understand problem solving skills and theoretical knowledge about the topic |
16ECE21C6.3 | Apply the ability to speak, debate and write the report on the particular topic. |
16ECE21C6.4 | Illustrate the topic effectively by an oral presentation before the evaluation committee. |
Satellite Lab (16ECE21CL1) | |
16ECE21CL1.1 | Show the process of transmitting/receiving the signals in a satellite communication link. |
16ECE21CL1.2 | Understand the working of satellite transmitter, receiver and transponder for setting up the satellite communication link. |
16ECE21CL1.3 | Demonstrate carrier to noise ratio, signal to noise ratio and radiation pattern of parabolic reflector. |
16ECE21CL1.4 | Analyze and measure the propagation delay of signals in satellite communication link. |
Advance Microprocessor & Micrcontroller Lab (16ECE21CL2) | |
16ECE21CL2.1 | Define the programming concepts of 8086 and 8051. |
16ECE21CL2.2 | Interpret the 8086 and 8051 instruction set for developing the program |
16ECE21CL2.3 | Apply various interfacing peripheral chips used with microprocessors. |
16ECE21CL2.4 | Analyze and compare the programme output carried out by different microprocessors and microcontrollers. |
Semester: 2 | |
Wireless Mobile Communication (16ECE22C1) | |
16ECE22C1.1 | Define various wireless mobile communication systems like Pager, cordless & telephone system. |
16ECE22C1.2 | Understand different models, standards and protocols used in wireless and mobile communication system. |
16ECE22C1.3 | Demonstrate various multiple access techniques and handoffs used in wireless and mobile communication system. |
16ECE22C1.4 | Analyze various parameters like interference, coverage, trunking & grade of services in wireless and mobile communication system. |
Optical Communication (16ECE22C2) | |
16ECE22C2.1 | Recall the fundamental concepts of optical communication systems. |
16ECE22C2.2 | Understanding of various modes of optical fibers such as mono and multi-mode and fiber characteristics like scattering, dispersion and bending etc. |
16ECE22C2.3 | Demonstrate different light sources and photodiodes used in mobile communication. |
16ECE22C2.4 | Analyze various parameters of optical fibres such as attenuation, absorption, noise and bandwidth etc. |
Seminar (16ECE22C3) | |
16ECE22C3.1 | Identify and study research article literature to review and summarize the content for discussion. |
16ECE22C3.2 | Understand problem solving skills and theoretical knowledge about the topic |
16ECE22C3.3 | Apply the ability to speak, debate and write the report on the selected topic. |
16ECE22C3.4 | Illustrate the topic effectively by an oral presentation before the evaluation committee. |
VLSI Lab (16ECE22CL1) | |
16ECE22CL1.1 | Understand the layout of various combinational and sequential circuits. |
16ECE22CL1.2 | Demonstrate the half adder using NAND gate and full adder using half adder. |
16ECE22CL1.3 | Apply the SPICE program for CMOS inverter, NAND and NOR gate. |
16ECE22CL1.4 | Analyze the designing steps of the CMOS inverter with equal rise and fall time. |
Optical Communication Lab (16ECE22CL2) | |
16ECE22CL2.1 | Show the various components used in optical communication system. |
16ECE22CL2.2 | Understand the analog/digital communication links and also the characteristics of light sources and photodiodes. |
16ECE22CL2.3 | Demonstrate modulation and demodulation techniques used in optical fibers communication. |
16ECE22CL2.4 | Analyze different parameters of optical fiber such as attenuation, bending and numerical aperture etc. |
VLSI Design (16ECE22D4) | |
16ECE22D4.1 | Recall basic steps of fabrication and electrical properties of MOS circuits. |
16ECE22D4.2 | Understand the structure, operation, and characteristics of the MOS transistor. |
16ECE22D4.3 | Demonstrate stick diagram of different logic functions and switching characteristics of CMOS inverter. |
16ECE22D4.4 | Analyze the subsystem design, scaling effects on the MOS circuits and its limitations. |
Entrepreneurship Development (16IMSF1) | |
16IMSF1.1 | Define the basic concepts of entrepreneurship development. |
16IMSF1.2 | Understand various legal issues and marketing plans. |
16IMSF1.3 | Applying knowledge of sources or finance to enhance business. |
16IMSF1.4 | Analyze the different marketing plans. |
Fundamentals of Management (16IMSO1) | |
16IMSO1.1 | Define the concept, nature and evolution of the management system. |
16IMSO1.2 | Understand various functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of management system. |
16IMSO1.3 | Apply motivation approaches to development and improvement of the leadership quality. |
16IMSO1.4 | Analyze the effectiveness of various control techniques used in management system. |
Semester: 3 | |
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logics (17ECE23C1) | |
17ECE23C1.1 | Define basic concepts and types of neural network. |
17ECE23C1.2 | Understand concept of artificial neural network terminology. |
17ECE23C1.3 | Demonstrate various learning methods and models of neural network. |
17ECE23C1.4 | Analyze various learning laws and their propagations. |
CDMA (17ECE23C2) | |
17ECE23C2.1 | Define fundamental concepts, types and operations of CDMA system. |
17ECE23C2.2 | Understand various types of losses and generations of CDMA system. |
17ECE23C2.3 | Interpret different power control and hand off techniques used in CDMA system. |
17ECE23C2.4 | Analyze error probability, capacity estimation and performance of CDMA system. |
Dissertation (Phase-I) (17ECE23C3) | |
17ECE23C3.1 | Identify the research topic/area relevant to the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering to carry out independent research. |
17ECE23C3.2 | Understand the process to carry out research in written format, results and conclusion with reference to existing literature. |
17ECE23C3.3 | Demonstrate appropriate tools, references and writing skills for report writing. |
17ECE23C3.4 | Analyze and synthesize research findings to the agreed area of research. |
Seminar (17ECE23C4) | |
17ECE23C4.1 | Identify and study research article literature to review and summarize the content for discussion. |
17ECE23C4.2 | Understand problem solving skills and theoretical knowledge about the topic. |
17ECE23C4.3 | Apply the ability to speak, debate and write the report on the selected topic. |
17ECE23C4.4 | Illustrate the topic effectively by an oral presentation before the evaluation committee. |
Project (17ECE23CL1) | |
17ECE23CL1.1 | Identify the complex engineering problems for engineering projects. |
17ECE23CL1.2 | Understanding the systematic process & sound technical knowledge about the project. |
17ECE23CL1.3 | Demonstrate different methodologies for making projects and documentation/report writing. |
17ECE23CL1.4 | Examine the key stages to finalise the project. |
17ECE23CL1.5 | Select the suitable method which leads to appropriate results. |
17ECE23CL1.6 | Design engineering solutions to various problems used for societal benefits. |
MATLAB Lab (17ECE23CL2) | |
17ECE23CL2.1 | Define the main features of the MATLAB development environment. |
17ECE23CL2.2 | Understand the arithmetic operations, vector product and different matrix operations using MATLAB. |
17ECE23CL2.3 | Apply various commands to create and edit different plots and graphics user interface (GUI). |
17ECE23CL2.4 | Analyze MATLAB toolbox, simulink for solving the engineering problems. |
Disaster Management (17ENVO2) | |
17ENVO2.1 | Define the fundamental aspects of disaster management theory. |
17ENVO2.2 | Understand the mitigation efforts, policies of disaster management. |
17ENVO2.3 | Apply the methods of disaster risk reduction for suitable measures like flood, cyclone and earthquake. |
17ENVO2.4 | Analyzing and processing the spatial data for better disaster risk management. |
Semester: 4 | |
Dissertation and viva (17ECE24C1) | |
17ECE24C1.1 | Identify the research topic/area relevant to the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering to carry out independent research. |
17ECE24C1.2 | Understand the process to carry out research in written format, results and conclusion with reference to existing literature. |
17ECE24C1.3 | Demonstrate appropriate tools, references and writing skills for report writing. |
17ECE24C1.4 | Analyze and synthesize research findings to the agreed area of research. |
17ECE24C1.5 | Evaluate the methods and knowledge to solve the specific research problem. |
17ECE24C1.6 | Develop results and write thesis/report on the basis of evaluation and analysis undertaken. |